Annica’s Designer Patisserie

Menu, voucher design and advertisements for an upmarket coffee shop, Annica’s Designer Patisserie.

Annica’s Designer Patisserie has been in existence for over a decade. We were initially approached to design their new menus – the requirement was to create a simple, upmarket menu. We designed the menus with a beautiful wall paper feel with many layers of detail, and they are printed on a tactile, textured paper, which gives them a really lovely feel.

We were then briefed to create vouchers for Women’s Day, which were given out with a beautifully wrapped macaroon. In order to bring in a softer floral design, we drew inspiration from the aqua color in the exquisite wallpaper in the Patisserie.

Annica’s Designer Patisserie specialty is creating one of a kind cakes for any occasion. We also created a series of advertisements showing off their amazing craft. We echoed the layered details that are found in the patisserie and add to the layering of the brand elements.

We love working on Annica’s Designer Patisserie and look forward to creating more design collateral for them.

Photography for the advertisements beautifully created by Quintin Mills Photo & Video


Design // Menu Design, Promotional Voucher Design, Advert Design